It seems that evil is winning the day in the case of Hailey Dunn of Colorado City. Since the disappearance of the teenager, things have really changed in the lives of the those in the town who were the main characters. Hailey's mother has moved completely out of the county, to the Lake Travis area near Austin. Her boyfriend is apparently still the boyfriend even though he is the only real suspect in the case. Hailey's father who started out valiantly trying to canvas the towns in a 3 county area to find his daughter has grown bitter with the handling of the case and completely given up and lost hope. The school counselor who tried so hard to organize the searches for Hailey week after week is not even listed as working at the school any more. The police chief who started the investigation is no longer police chief. The lawyer who represented Hailey's mother in the first arrest, had to bow out temporarily because he crossed the law himself and got into trouble.
I have to believe that justice will be done. It's just waiting in the wings at the moment. All four quarters of this game have not been played. I do believe that two people in Colorado City know what's going on. I hope it is a matter of time before they will face the consequences of their actions.
This whole incident is a movie waiting for a script writer.
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