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Friday, September 30, 2011

At the core

Sometimes you have to wonder what keeps people going.  I have often wondered that of others who have undergone hardships in life.  The other day someone mentioned something to that effect and referred to recent events that had happened to me.  Although the question was not asked, I know what keeps me going.

I just close my eyes... thoughts flood my mind of the period of life when joy was as rampant as swiftly rushing water in a mountain river -

lots of laughter, lots of getting up in the morning to meet a joyful day, lots of glia overproduced in the brain as a result of happiness...  visuals appear of days when extraordianry events happened as exhilirating as soft snow in contrast to a blue or gray sky overhead -

 lots of soft strains of the voice you cherish most in all the world, lots of pleasant feelings, lots of anticipation of potential.

No question has to ever be asked for me to know what keeps me going or for me to want to keep those events ever fresh by simply closing my eyes.

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