I regard those same scrolls highly, maybe for different reasons, but there are some other writings that have a very special place with me and are esteemed more highly than anything I possess of a personal nature. On this day of giving thanks, I am most thankful for this other writing. It is a poster rolled up like a scroll, lying in a place much like the caves around the Dead Sea. Last week, I decided to take in its contents again since it had been a while. I could not take my eyes from the pictures of the three most special people in the world standing there talking at a festive occasion. When finally I did, I read the poem associated with the pictures, then scanned the meaningful songs and places next to the poem. I spent quite a bit of time, sacred moments, letting my mind once again soak in all that was there. Finally, I rolled the poster and returned the scroll to its container, but it refreshed my day. My mind was caught up in this moment, caught up in the smile of those in the picture, full of thought, full of reconstitution, full of sheer happiness.
Some consider these two types of scrolls to be on different levels. Maybe. I do know that the effect on me was exactly the same with the second type as with the first. And if the effect is the same, then any difference that may exist is gone. Sacred scroll... sacred moments... sacred feelings!
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