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Thursday, May 31, 2012

I watch the sky

Sometimes I just want to sit outside, watch the sky, and imagine.   I play out different scenarios to their logical conclusions.  So, if something happens as I had imagined it, I can say, "It worked out just like I thought it would."  But, often, something happens differently from the way I had imagined it.  I usually don't comment on that.   I still think, though, that if it had worked out, then... and I have various paths to go down in my mind.

There are a number of recent developments that I have imagined.  They haven't all come to finality yet.  So, when they do, I will either be shaking my head, wishing for a different conclusion, or saying, "It worked out just like I thought I would."  If I could do anything to tip the scales in favor of the latter, I would sure do it.  However, I don't think I have much control over the outcomes this time.  Much of what happens is in the hands of someone else.

I have faith, however.  So, I am not practicing ahead of time moving my head from side to side.  I am watching the sky, imagining, reimagining, imaging, and reimaging, so that I can say, "It worked out..."


Gary Willis said...

Watching a West Texas sky? Please advise when next you find yourself at home out here in the desert.

Dwordman said...

West Texas skies allow you to see more sky than some other places. But, any sky permits my mind to imagine. I don't know why I like to watch skies, but watching takes my mind down some really imaginative paths.