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Sunday, July 07, 2013


Night had fallen.  Darkness magnified the sound of croaking frogs not too far away.  Constellations of summer shone brightly, inviting me not to merely glance upward but glance and gaze.  It was a quiet moment so that not even a car could be heard in the distance.  The breeze blew the willow branches and bullrushes that lined the trickling stream that ran a half mile down the draw.

It was just the kind of moment in time that nudged me to smile at the pleasure of strong memories that were as magnified as the croaks, as inviting as the stars, as pure as the silence, and as refreshing as the breeze against my cheeks and the sight of the stream cutting through the draw.    Oh how invigorating was the face in my mind's eye that lingered in that moment of time, along with the form, the scent, the laughter!  Oh, such deep, abiding contentment.  So very, very pleasurable.

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