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Friday, December 12, 2014

People love their pictures

Here's just one more fact in an overall trend, an irreversible trend at this point.  Officially, today Instagram passed Twitter for the overall number of accounts.  Of course, nobody can touch Facebook, but Twitter was reporting 284 million users while Instagram surpassed 300 million today.  In just the last 9 months, 100 million Instagram accounts were established. Mark Zuckerberg's bet paid off for him.  He bought Instagram for 1 billion dollars not too long ago.  He knew people loved their pictures.

The commentator who was giving the information went on to say that she had to admit that she uses Instagram and likes it the best of all social media because she likes pictures.  Another announcer chided her kiddingly by saying, "So, you don't read books I take it."  The announcer said she does read books, but only those that have a lot of pictures.

It's a visual world and getting to be more so.  Social media has gone from the world of bulletin boards in the 1990s to MySpace to Blogs, both written and video, to Facebook, to Instagram.  It certainly makes you wonder what is next.  That's not really much of a question though.  3D and holographics are on the horizon.

I embrace this world we're entering wholeheartedly.  It will be a faster, richer, more emotional world. It's time.

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