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Sunday, February 22, 2015

A pocket full

My little granddaughter came from her bedroom tonight calling my name.  "Poppey," she said in that little squeaky voice that immediately tells your heart that you will do whatever she is asking.  "I'm scared."  She climbed into my easy chair with me, leaning her head against my chest.  About 3 minutes later she was sound asleep.

It's that kind of night tonight.  Sleet coming down on top of rain that has lasted all afternoon.  Blankets in chairs where we have been sitting in the warmth of the living room, watching TV, scrolling through Facebook,  watching nursery rhymes on the Ipad Air 2, working online.  Schools have made their cancellations as have workplaces.  Everyone's socked in.

It's pleasant tonight.  Serene tonight.  Thought full tonight.  Tomorrow will come in due time.  More sleet will arrive in about two to three hours ensuring that tomorrow will be a very dangerous place for those who venture onto the freeways.  But in the pocket of time named tonight, I am enjoying every second as it passes by me on the highway of time.  I'm loving the serenity full of thought, the pleasantry of the seconds passing with notice.  Oh how I needed this pocket full of such seconds.

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