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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Piercing mysteries

I used to look to the skies in awesome wonder of what was there.  I didn't know a lot about what was there or how it operated.  It was quite the mystery.  I am certain it was quite the mystery for our ancestors as well who knew less about it even than I did when I was young.

Today I heard a song about the mystery people see when they look to the skies.  The whole song was about the wonder and mystery of God and was based on thoughts written by ancient person recorded an ancient book.  I think modern people take comfort in a song like that because they don't want to know about the details.  It seems that they want to depend on laziness than apply the basic astronomy they learned in school to their understanding of a tremendous frontier lying just above their heads.

Learning about the skies diminishes one's mystery all right.  But, it increases understanding.  And that understanding pierces the mystery - only to lead one to see more wonder, more marvel, more splendor, more majesty than (s)he could think possible.  So, I don't have much appreciation for songs that perpetuate the wonder of the mystery of the sky.  It's so worth the effort to pierce the mystery and gain a fuller understanding of the grand design we're a part of.

It's not a mystery, and it's still a wonder.

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