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Monday, August 31, 2015

The best gift

Gifts are always nice to get.  It's the thought that someone cared enough to get you something that you didn't have that's nice.  The object being given is also nice because it's symbolic in nature if nothing else, but many times it's something that is useful or that you desired to have.  But then there's always that one gift that has a special quality - it multiplies itself.  It delights you when it is first given, but then you are able to use it again and again, in many instances for to help other people.

I was given a gift several decades ago, and it was something I had desired and worked for.  It blended with my personality, and lo and behold, here several decades later it still is giving me the thing that enchanted me about it in the first place.  I can see that it will give me quality of life until I die, so I am forever grateful for having it.  From time to time, I have seen others enjoy receiving the gift when I would regift it in a form useful to them, and I have been told by others who received it of benefits they have received.

I worked hard for the gift that keeps on giving and received it, but unwittingly didn't know it would be that way.  It is my hope that everyone can receive the gift of their desires and in return, shower others in her/his sphere with its benefits.  That's just how the world is made a better place.

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