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Monday, August 03, 2015

Selection process

There are pathways in life just as there are roads between towns and trails in the country or the mountains.  There are actually many of them.  The beauty of adulthood is that you get to choose which paths you want to take at any particular time.  And, you can change to a different path any time you want to.  You can't help but to notice that some paths are wide, some are narrow, or that the some are worn, others grown over.

Another parallel is that when you are on a path, or when you see a different path, you can see it for its present value, but you can't see the end of where it leads usually.  You just have to trust the hints of the path as you see it or the information you have heard about it.

That's a pretty good parallel to the way life works.  One great difference is that paths don't tell you anything about the people that have taken it.  In life you get to see some of those people, their results and their personalities.  That helps.  Every hint helps because there are so many paths to choose from. Some of them come out at the same place, so it doesn't matter which one you take.  You get to take one depending on your personality.  But they don't all lead to the same place.  That's what keeps the selection process interesting.

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