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Monday, September 04, 2006


Dreams and fantasies are mere hoaxes, right? They take the information in the brain and, while asleep, the information gets scrambled into something plausible although unlikely. They appear in story form at times and mere rapid paced fragments at other times. They entertain the taboo, the immoral, the uncouth, the imaginary. We can learn from dreams, smile at dreams, and forget dreams because they really don't matter.

That's what science would have us believe. But, on two very distinct occasions they have been something else - once a special insight, once a warning of what was to come. The Maker of dreams made them to relax us, to give us entertainment for the night, or to otherwise allow us to live in a truly surreal place. But, occasionally, He interrupts them for something He wants to deliver specially. He can do that when I'm awake also. But, that is the subject of a different blog.

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