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Monday, January 15, 2007

Walking in a sun basin

This morning I got to see in 3D what every newspaper runs on the front page this time of year after an ice storm. Papers usually run some picture of a tree glistening in ice. My 3D experience this morning was that picture times 100 in its beauty. The park's walking path is ringed in trees which in winter looks pretty bleak since the leaves are all gone from the trees' branches. It was still and quiet. Very little movement by either nature or humans was perceptible. The sun had been up for about 20 minutes. As it shone through the glistening ice waxed onto the trees, the park looked as if it was a part of a sun basin. The brilliance was much brighter than high noon on a summer day. The walk with the Maker this morning was like being in Heaven already. The words spoken there seemed like they lasted a couple of minutes rather than the 20 they actually lasted. What a pleasure to walk in beauty and talk in time suspension.

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