Bringing in the new year is sometimes about looking back to see the tracks in the snow in order to better make new year's resolutions. A science magazine I was reading was looking back over the last 150 years at the advances that had happened and some of the discoveries in geology that had shaped modern thinking. A column in the newspaper was looking back over the last decade at some of the best stories printed. Tiger Woods was named the athlete of the decade. The financial magazines were taking this month's edition to look at the track of the stock market and the performance of some of the up and coming companies.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Viewing the tracks
Bringing in the new year is sometimes about looking back to see the tracks in the snow in order to better make new year's resolutions. A science magazine I was reading was looking back over the last 150 years at the advances that had happened and some of the discoveries in geology that had shaped modern thinking. A column in the newspaper was looking back over the last decade at some of the best stories printed. Tiger Woods was named the athlete of the decade. The financial magazines were taking this month's edition to look at the track of the stock market and the performance of some of the up and coming companies.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Precious gems
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A park gift
Today even in the cold part of the day, squirrels were gamboling from one tree to the next. They ran spryly, crisply so that it looked like they enjoyed the movement as they chased each other or paused to crunch a nut off the ground. They gave life to the park. I have seen this scene over and over, regardless of the time of year. It's a gift from the park.
Sometimes the park seems a little sinister. During the winter months, many days the sun is not up when I walk, so I walk in the darkness. But, even if the walk begins on a sinister note, it ends giving me comfort because my eyes adjust to the darkness, and I know every crook and cranny of it. So, I lapse into the familiarity of its places.
And, on a number of occasions, pictures emerge in the park that strike me as something to write about - the moon over the trees, the trees dropping their leaves, its winter wonderland look when it snows. It gives me a certain amount of energy.
And finally, the park revives my mental energy. This is especially true if one facet or another of my life is out of whack. I get to concentrate on what is happening and try to figure out an answer or an approach that will yield happiness. Walking there helps me sort out thoughts as to the priorities in my life, or lets me see a direction that I need to take. The last few months, time there has allowed me to think of the new direction I need to take and the priority I need to have. Just recently some interesting ice formations in the park resembled a crown. It gave me pause to apply that symbol to the priorty of the one who has the regal position in my life.
The park has been a gift. I am thankful for my long time walking buddy.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Knowing what's real
No doubt there will be a number of caps sold across the United States touting the Olympics in North America this February. There will be caps with the multicolored rings across the front. There will be caps with the word Vancouver 2010 on them. There will be all kinds of insignias on caps, but there won't be one that has the emblem of the Indian nation from the British Columbian area of Canada unless it was bought in Vancouver or in British Columbia. I have one of those authentic caps; it will be a novelty in the area I live in since I live a long way from Vancouver.
Authenticity is important in an age in which one can wear faux furs or sport faux mohawks or buy faux purses. "Knock-off" is a common word these days. So, when it comes to relationships, people are satisfied with "faux" relationships, knock-offs. There are a number of reasons people accept partial relationships rather than complete ones, but one of the reasons is that there are not that many people willing to offer a complete or authentic giving of themselves.
It is a felt emptiness to experience faux relationships. However, one gets to expecting them since authentic ones are few and far between. How refreshing it is to cross paths with someone who brings authenticity, who is transparent, positive, proactive, cheerful, probing, encouraging, energetic, caring, interactive, and enthusiastic. To use an old phrase, "I want to stake my tent" with such a person, not merely to be around them, but to experience authenticity that is just not available anywhere else. It's the difference between wearing silver or wearing gold in a ring.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Nothing like a good ruse
Somewhere around 850 BCE, Trojan and Greek armies had been engaged in warfare for a long time, maybe 10 years. Whatever the length, both armies were worn completely down. Death tolls were high. Important people had been slain. The war seemed like it would only end with the death of the last warrior in the siege. Then, the Greeks did the unthinkable – they offered a peace offering to the Trojans, a gift for being such a formidable foe, loaded their boats for Greece and withdrew from the harbor in front of Troy.
Oh, but that isn’t the end of the story. Literate people know the phrase, “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” The Trojan horse that had been given to the town as a gift was a ruse. It contained soldiers, who would wait until nightfall to leave the horse, open the gates, and let in the Greek army whose ships had returned to the bay and unloaded for the final assault. It’s a well known ploy. The Iliad just made the trickery famous.
War is good only if you win it. I have been engaged in wars with co-workers before and in larger office politics as well. The one event that wins it every time is the ruse that is created. Some people play by the adage that luck is always better than preparation. Thus, if they win a war, “There’s nothing like dumb luck,” they say. But I want to weigh in on the side of another saying, “There’s no substitute for preparation.” And that preparation is the ruse that makes the enemy feel confident of a winning outcome when really they are about to be brought down to deafening defeat because they have unwittingly exposed their fatal flaws to the opponent.
Fight well, my kindred spirit!
Sunday, December 06, 2009
A work of beauty
Sometimes we assign importance to an object or to a person by saying that the object or person is the "heart and soul" of something. It would seem that the terms are redundant, and English, in general, resists redundancy (although it has its fair share built into its grammar). I guess the two terms could be considered redundant simply because they are synonyms. Someone could be the heart or soul of a company, for example, because (s)he feels so passionate about what the company does, and passion is represented by both heart and soul.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
One thing I really like doing is finding what is under someone's layer of words. Usually people lay themselves bare with the language they use or written language habits they have developed. Some people are harder than others in determining what intentions lie under the verbage. But eventually people reveal themselves. It's a little like going fishing and trying to use a hook to catch someone. At first people like to present themselves through the frame of a picture, but eventually they can be hooked so that what does not appear in the picture can be seen. Language study is the perfect hook. It has certainly served me in good stead.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Not an illusion
"The grass is greener on the other side of the fence" is a saying of warning. If it is said, then the one saying it is trying to warn the listener that really nothing is truly greener... It just appears to be that way.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The best lemonade you have ever tasted
Dante wrote one of the masterpieces of the world around 1315 A.C.E., The Divine Comedy. The first section, called The Inferno, describes a descent into the depths of hell. It is an awful place. Many readers of Dante's day were frightened at the description, thinking that it was real.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanks giving
I didn't know that when this year started that it would yield a number of events to be so thankful for. What a difference a year makes! Last year at this time, I was not at all enthralled with what was happening in my life. This year I have been given hope... and laughter... and vibrancy... for which I am so very grateful. And I thank the one who has caused such a turn-around.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
How nice to get a raise in level
In Great Britain an elevator is called a lift. I like that idea a lot. It takes the weight of people and lifts them from one level to a level higher or more.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A lesson from late fall
Life comes in seasons and flavors them with characteristics all their own. The very late fall characteristics were evident this morning in the park I walk in. One characteristic is that the leaves are all off the trees. It's not the prettiest time of year, but leaves being gone are a necessary function for the season. When the leaves are gone it allows everything in the biological cycle to take place like the scattering of seeds and the relegation of diminished sunlight to be for the main part of the tree without having to supply ever-needy leaves with nourishment.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I see light in the forest, not losing the forest for the trees
Friday, November 13, 2009
Higher levels
Monday, November 09, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Stunning... life-giving
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
A bright sign
I am not much of a believer in signs. I guess they could happen... but so many people just interpret events as they want to. They just match their desires to happenings that reflect those desires.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
I love it when that happens

Some days just start out a little crisper than other days. I love it when that happens. There's more spring in the step, more nimbleness in the mind, more anticipation to the day ahead.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Brilliant facets
I don't know if complete packages exist in a relationship between two people, but I believe I have seen it. It also would be a high probabilitythat it occurs once in a lifetime , so carpe diem and eureka are the watchwords if a complete package is seen in a relationship. I'll be listening to the echoes of these two phrases from people who have experienced complete packages. Shouts of these two phrases will happen intermittently, probably, and some people may experience the complete package early in their lives, others late. But, I am certain the echo of these phrases sounds beautiful as the cries waft through the air.
Let me join them. Carpe Diem! Eureka!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Road of happiness
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Climate change
Monday, October 05, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Back from the deep end
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sharing time & space
There's nothing more important than being there. That's the opening line from the Amica Insurance Company commerical seen on TV. I know the truth of this statement. My daughter had a wreck recently and I was not there. I was out of town. Of course, she understood, but she had called me to come to the scene of the accident. How disappointing for both of us when in a moment of need, I was not available.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The purest gold of all
What would happen if someone ran across an article of pure gold? (S)He would celebrate beyond belief. Articles of pure gold are hard to come by. So many articles are made of pewter or silver, sometimes an alloy, or gold mixed with some other metal. So ruuning across an article of pure gold is momumental. Its authenticity would be unmistakable, its value could not be counted in dollars.
And if one were to run across another person of the highest quality(of pure gold), the same would be true, and he would be the luckiest person on the face of the earth!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
In the eye of a needle
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Vibrance inside
Tonight I was sitting on the back deck that overlooks the valley below our bluff and across to the houses nestled in the twilight on the opposite ridge above the valley. The sun had already sunk below the horizon, so lights on the houses of the distant ridge were shining and flickering in the distance. I sat musing what was going on in the houses on the distant ridge. Of course, there's no way to know. I'm at a distance.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
I am reading an article from my Americas magazine about the country of Guatemala. The title of the article calls Guatemala, encantadora. The picture behind the title shows a beautiful landscape of mountain peaks covered in clouds with just the peaks poking through the clouds. It's truly an enchanting picture.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Treasures all around
Recently, my aunt contracted a disease. It ravaged her body for about a year. Her treasure was stored for the life after this one, so last week she departed this life for her treasure. I am glad for her.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Gift Part 2
Gifts bring smiles to the face and glia to the brain. They make us feel warm to the core, and they lift our spirits. Our steps have more spring in them. They have the ability to turn the day completely around.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Gift Part 1
Life has a way of changing an event in a matter of a second. I have a colleague and friend who was just enjoying her daughter's first year birthday party one moment when suddenly her daughter lost breath and turned blue. Immediately, the whole event changed. 911 was called. The ambulance rushed to the scene. Paramedics performed life sustaining techniques.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Molding the opportunity
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Images and more images
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Finding the way in a big city