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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fragility doesn't fit

Life is fragile. Anyone can point that out. Without heart medicine, some people wouldn't live very much longer. The same could be said about those who take blood pressure medicine. Those who have cancer and are taking chemo know so well about fragility. Step on a plane and land in the Hudson River, and then you call it a miracle if you live. Much more could be said.

Apply this saying (Life is fragile) to spirituality and the examples fail to come so fast. The One who said, "I am life" didn't mean that he was fragile or that following his teachings would make fragile followers. It's a non sequitur to say that spiritual life is fragile. "I am life" implies that something is robust and full of satisfaction.

Not everything that applies to the physical world can be transferred to the spiritual dimension. Hopefully people aren't careless like that.

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