I have read two blogs today - both about speaking out. One blog, by my cousin's husband, was about the triumphal entry of the Son of Man into Jerusalem. As the crowds cheered Him on his way into Jerusalem, the Pharisees asked him to tell the people not to hail him as someone from the Highest Heavens. The reply was, "If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!" The other blog, by a talented, trusted, and treasured colleague, was about counting on people to speak out, to raise their voices for others in time of need because one of our team had been ignored by a superior and ridden over rough-shod without regard for the valuable contributions this person brings to the team.
In the case of the Son of Man, the rocks themselves would have broken into praises had the people's tongues been quelled. But in the case of my treasured colleague, no stones spoke. My colleague heard silence. That is a very, very lonely place to be. My heart cried out immediately after the fact, but it was after the fact. Words are hard to hear when they come late.
I have no doubt that for my trusted and treasured friend the rocks were cheering even if the team wasn't. I truly hope that my trusted and treasured friend will hear the songs that have been sung, are being sung still by the rocks along the way. And maybe the two blogs I read today will spur me to find my voice more quickly so that the rocks won't have to carry the tune.
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