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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Success usually has a key

“People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character.” Emerson

My dad used to tell the story of a man who was asked by a stranger thinking of moving to his town whether or not he would like the town if he moved there.  The townsman answered, "What is the town like that you are moving from?" The stranger told the townsman that he was lonesome and bitter, and needed to move.  The townsman said to the stranger that he might want to look elsewhere because the same kind of people inhabited his town too.  Another stranger came to town and asked the same question of whether he would like the new town or not.  The same townsman answered the same way, "What is the town like that you are moving from?"  The man said he hated to leave it, that the people were happy and caring.  The townsman told the stranger he needed to move to this new town because it had the same kind of people in it.

It was nice to have had a father who told stories like this one.  He prepared me for the kind of attitude I needed in order to succeed.  

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