Brave New World has to be one of the best novels ever written for a number of reasons. The characters were dynamic. The plot didn't drag. It was a bit prophetic. It took on themes for its time that made the book ban material. The symbolism was universal. And it pointed to conflicts so representative of the human condition.
I find myself referring to it often in conversations I have, especially those involving education of any kind or religion. People eschew the book if they only cursorily read it or read it as a high schooler and have some vague memory of it. But it is one to take seriously. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve Chairman, recently mentioned having a global currency. That remark would strike fear in those who have seriously read Brave New World, the realm of one-world government. Having a global currency is not too many steps away from the consolidation of nations into a one-world state.
Oh well, it's already too late. Only the alpha pluses among us understand what I'm talking about now. Tomorrow I will hire a delta, say good morning to a beta, and take a phone call from an alpha who reports to a board of directors who reports to a government agency who reports eventually to a world controller. I'm on Soma, so it's ok with me!
Soma...have you a gram or 2 for me? LOL
Whatever helps you through the day... a kilogram if you need it! LOL.
Ooooo, a global currency leading to a one world government and no nation states! Let's do it. Best I can tell we need such so the AntiChrist can make his or her apparance, the tribulations can begin, and Jesus can come back! Oh, I usually hold to being amillenial. Guess not.
Amillenial works for me. Other interpretations seem too arbitrary. But, I did catch your wit about moving to a one-world government.
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