Every year I get to see spring happen in the park where I walk. There's a certain sequence to the build-up of spring. Winter begins to lose its grip about 3 weeks before March 21st. Winds come to clean the trees of any dried leaves left over from late fall/early winter or dried fruit or leftover pecans. It will usually rain a time or two. Willows begin to bloom, then the oaks. Robins come to dance on the grass. The grass turns green. Then the gaggles/ravens/crows/magpies (whatever these black birds are called) show up to drown out all other birds with their terrible voices. The sequence is orchestrated usually with how many cold snaps are left. Willows will bloom with 3 to 4 cold snaps left in the season. Oaks won't bloom until 1 or 2 cold snaps are left. Robins come at this time, so you know spring is close. The ravens/crows like a little warmer weather so they show up when the oaks bloom and are always surprised by the couple of cold snaps that are left. But, pecan trees aren't fooled. They like warmer weather and won't bloom until the cold snaps are over. When you see the pecan trees budding, you know spring has truly arrived. Incidentally, most of the pecan trees have not started budding yet. There's at least one more cold snap ahead. Life has a certain sequence to it, also, unfortunately. Events happen in a certain order and its hard to break that order. Wish it weren't so in some cases. I would love to use the wisdom accumulated to revisit certain events and alter them. But, I'm not in charge of the order of the changing of the seasons or in sequencing the events in life. All I can do is shout an expletive or two when I run across something I would change. This year, the willows bloomed quickly, the grass was slow in turning green,

the number of robins visiting the park was way down,

as was the number of crows/magpies. The wind didn't blow all the pecans from last November out of the limbs of the trees. The pecan trees don't have buds 5 days after spring has begun.

And, the number of cold snaps since the willows have bloomed has only been two. The winter was colder and drier this year (which probably means the summer will be disjointed in some way as well). Things have been different this year. I do hope with everything in me that that is a sign that things will be different in life as well. I would love to have something I have run across that I would change to be different this year, to be out of the natural order... would love to have that happen. It would cut down on the number of expletives I utter.
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