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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A champion at 9

The Stars played Anaheim tonight.  It was a pretty good game, nothing to write home about, but enjoyable nonetheless.  If one were to look at the shot count, Dallas never should have won.  Anaheim had to have had twice the number of shots.  Much of the game's action took place on the Anaheim end of the ice.  But, Dallas was lucky.  They won 1-0. 

It's a thing of beauty to watch talented athletes skate over the ice at high speeds all the while working on maneuvering a puck into a goal.  Talented skaters every one.  As I was watching this game, I was reminded of a young man who turned 9 today.  He's a hockey player.  He's talented at skating and works hard at being a great athlete.  He's a champion.  His amazing mother has raised him to be the best he can be in hockey and in every other arena in life.  In a year and a half he'll get to go to the camp for champions in the Hill Country.  Happy Birthday my champion young man!

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