Facades are great because people use them to present what they want people to see. They can decorate them and make them beautiful to gaze at. Facades have something very different behind them than what they represent on the front of them. Movies use facades often. They can create, for example, a whole main street of a western town - a general store, a saloon, a hotel, a bank, a jail, a blacksmith shop, and a doctor's office. But if you were to go through the front door of these facades, you would see nothing of what you would expect. Go in the door to the jail, expecting to see a cell, and you see nothing but dirt. It's a facade. Go in the door to the general store, and you don't see rows of things to buy. You see dirt or mountains or desert or whatever is behind the facade. Go through any of the facade doors and you know that nothing is behind the front of the building. It's just a store front.
What I see everyday in myself as I work or go about my daily business is genuine in that I work at what I want, but I know that behind the door of the job is no heart, no real passion. What is all the busy-ness fronting for? For something? For someone? My heart presents what I want people to know and see. Deep care and reason for life have been deep-sixed.
Facades can be replaced with the real thing, of course. The heart can show its passion, its life, its reason for carrying on. I trust that that will one day be resurrected. It's just not this moment in time.
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