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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Watching the note

I happened to watch the decade memorial showing of the 9/11 episode of CSI:NY on a replay earlier tonight.  It was very well written.  The writer had the major characters of the show in modern day flashing back to where they were and what they did on the day the twin towers fell.  It was moving.  The main character, Gary Senise's character, Mac Taylor, was shown in a flashback sitting with his wife on a subway, then getting off at his stop to go to work.  They sat lovingly next to each other during the ride and kissed before he left her.  He didn't know at that time that it would be their last moment together.

At the end of the show, Mac went to a waterfront beach near the towers at the end of a memorial ceremony a decade after 9-11 and placed a note to his wife in the water letting the tide drag it out to sea.  He missed her, and the camera showed Mac in a pensive mood watching the note of his expression of love being washed out to the larger ocean.   In the background a voice repeated the last words on the note, which had been shown a little earlier when Mac wrote them... I will wait.

We wait on people who are really important to us.  Sometimes we get separated from them... but our hearts still send the message... I'll wait.

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