A little while ago, I happened to be looking at the line of bullrushes and the trees as I had a hundred other times, but thought that something might be a little different. The eyes play tricks on the brain all the time, so there's nothing new there. But, I began trying to isolate what was different. Everything looked basically the same except that little yellow patch against the backdrop of solid green. Yes, what was that yellow patch?

I stared at it then and have so ever since then because it represents to me what happened on my journey down a recent path in my life. Life was pretty routine, mundane actually, when boom!, a thing of beauty suddenly entered it. I have stared at it ever since that recent time because of its beauty in its setting. Oh, how I enjoy to look at it (figuratively and literally). What I wouldn't give for it to be in my setting now. I would enjoy it every day of my life soaking in its golden leaves in the otherwise monochromatic color around me.
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