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Monday, January 26, 2015

100 things to do

I needed to do 100 things today.  But instead, I did only one thing.  Here it is in the middle of winter in one of those mid-winter breaks from the cold weather.  So far, the month of January has been 10 degrees on average lower than normal.  Then we hit this 4-day pocket of warm air.  It was a lovely 72.

My granddaughter wanted only one thing - to go walking.  That's usually what we do in warm weather.  She loves it.  We go to the creek, find some rocks to throw in the stream, wander aimlessly down the creek watching birds, airplanes, and stray cars that come by.  It's a good hour before we return to home base.

I needed to do 100 things, but only one was accomplished before work today.  It was worth it to walk with such an angel who sees no evil around her, who soaks in everything she discovers on her walks, who says hi to all the walkers on the trail regardless of age, who still has the exuberance of living each day to its fullest that so many of us have forgotten how to do.

It relaxed me to be with her.  I didn't once worry about what was not getting done.  The rest of my day went well, but mainly because I did one thing not 100... the one right thing, the linchpin of my day.

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