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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Some things matter and some don't

A church in Florida is named Relevant Church (one in Atlanta too for that matter).  I guess that's good.  But, to me it's a sad thing that a church has to use the word relevant as a separate word in its name. That tells me some things about the culture I live in.

It tells me first of all that people in Florida don't understand that the word church implies relevancy. Quite the opposite, I think.  It is checked out  from people's lives, has an aging population, and is otherwise engaged in serving itself.  Doctrines are no good because they don't connect to one's daily life. Wouldn't that be something if the other churches in Florida all put irrelevant in front of their names? I guess they already do since it seems to be implied in the name.

I think a ton of people know what the Floridans know about the word church.  In the semantics of that word is the word irrelevant.  While that is not the same as dying, it has the same effect.  Modern people want something that is needful and efficient.  Until that happens, I believe groups of people socializing in a needless, inefficient way will go the way of the obsolescent buildings that contain them.

I mean, if you have to put the word relevant in the name on the sign...

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