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Thursday, March 02, 2006

The end of those against us

8 blogs have been used to try to fathom the words contained in 2nd Thessalonians 2.1-12. I suppose that all the different angles have contributed to having an informed opinion regardless of the place where one's opinion may have landed. So, I am hoping that Alexander Pope's words have been fulfilled when he wrote (found in Essay on Criticism, Part II, lines 215-218):

A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep or taste not the Pierian Spring.
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.

Since I think "drinking largely" has occurred, I offer the following translation from Greek as a reflection of "drinking deep."

2nd Thessalonians 2.1-12

Brothers and sisters, we ask you, in light of Jesus Christ’s coming and our gathering to meet him, to resist being so quickly disturbed in thought or troubled in spirit. Don’t be thrown off track just because someone has been telling you that the Day of the Lord has come or has been reporting that we wrote a letter saying that. Enough time must first pass for people to abandon our teaching and show themselves for what they are–reckless and lost. They will oppose God, become arrogant and God-like, and accept people’s accolades as if they are God. I did tell you this when I was still with you, remember?

Now you can see the kind of people behind the resistance being put up against us. They have made themselves apparent. Of course, you couldn’t see this at first. But, their reckless actions won’t last forever. Now that you see them for who they are, know that these reckless people will be destroyed when Jesus comes again to show how truly flimsy their actions are. They only seem strong because Satan has enabled them to create illusions of power and sordid visions of grandeur. They are being destroyed because they won’t love the truth in order to rescue themselves. God makes available this activity of deception as a choice for those who want to believe a lie. But He punishes them for this choice and for considering wickedness good.

A translation by David Singleton
from Greek for use by

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