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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Out of the blue sky

Two geese this morning flew right over my head and landed about 20 yards from me in the park. They came out of nowhere it seemed and they sounded motorized as they landed. I don't know why they chose to come to the park at mid-morning. One was larger; one was smaller. I was there 30 minutes and so were they. I left so I don't really know how long they outlasted me. Usually I take note of things that happen out of the ordinary like this scene. Today was no different. Were they a message to me? What did they represent? If they were a harbinger of things to come, I guess it wasn't today that something happened. But if they were a harbinger of things to come, then I probably need some time to adapt to whatever will occur.

And yes, something like this has happened to me before. Sometimes the scene means that something good will happen. More often than not, though, the sign is a portent of difficult circumstances. In that light, I don't look forward to future events. On the other hand, it's nice to be forewarned because in some circumstances, forewarned is forearmed. We warily eyed each other during the 30 minutes I was at the park. But, I can't for the life of me see the symbolism—yet. I guess that will be a topic for a future blog. In the meantime, I live each moment as it comes with peace and contentment as much as that may depend on my actions.

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