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Monday, August 09, 2010

Like apples of gold

There is a Hebrew proverb that says:

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold on a setting of silver.

I spent some time alone in Portland, Maine and on an island off the coast of Maine. It was rejuvenating. It soothed my soul. I also spent time in Newport Island, Rhode Island, but it was spent with others and I ended up having a headache from it. The second was like an apple of gold on a setting of plastic. The first was like the Hebrew proverb.

I guess it was the reflection time that made the first event a gold and silver experience. I have other experiences that qualify for gold and silver. One of them stands head and shoulders above the rest. It brought shining and spirited life to a desolate and wasted desert. I am so thankful for apples of gold on settings of silver. They make me better.

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