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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Making the shape beautiful

A couple of days ago, I had the trees at my house pruned. They had not been pruned in a really long time. They look so much better. The limbs are in the shape they should be, and they are at the right height. The limbs that had begun to touch the roof were removed, and the ones on wires were cut back. The usual pruning.

Our bodies do it naturally, too. Cells die and are replaced, even in the brain. Hair grows and falls out, but is replaced by other hair. Nails act the same way. Internally, white blood cells have to always watch to remove the toxins and unwanted substances from making us ill.

Pruning just helps. Occasionally, I have to look around to see what I can do to make my life more shapely, more effecient, less at risk, more productive. Sometimes, I can do this automatically and at other times, I have to make time to do it. One part of this process is to be mentally productive, shedding antiquated information and preparing it with new for those times when knowledge will win the day. Another part is to shape the heart, allowing it to drop unpleasant feelings of past events and to continue very special memories and hope of moments that bring true enjoyment in life.

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