In South America lie a good number of enigmas. On the top of one of the highest ranges in the Andes is a flat-topped mountain in the Nasca region. There, long, runway-like lines are drawn in the rock. Perfectly straight lines. And a few perfectly round lines. And they form the shape of monkeys, birds, and human figures. Which take shape from an aerial view only. Now how did that happen ages ago?
In the plains around northern Chile stand some precision cut blocks that are 6 feet high. Where did the blocks come from? And how were they cut to such precision dimensions and with such sheer, flat faces? How is it that they interlock as well? 6 X 6 feet interlocking blocks... from a really long time ago... that form a town.
Those kinds of findings are unexplainable.
There are dozens of enigmas in South America and dozens more around the world. It makes you know we don't know the whole story of humans and life on earth. Plus, it makes you skeptical about modern explanations of life in the past. There's just not enough evidence for you to know what happened. You're left to wonder.
Enigmas from the past... Blinded from seeing the future... I should be content in the moment... Which I can be if I am not void of hope.
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