Tombstone is a well loved film by the American public. It continues to run on the movie channels. I don't know exactly why the public loves the movie, but I think part of the reason is that the bad guys in the movie get exterminated en toto. People love to see justice served and many times, justice is harshly served. In this movie it is extremely served. And, that's the reason I am using this movie tonight.
I have commented on the Hailey Dunn case before, but the most recent move on the part of the Colorado Police Department defies understanding. They arrested Hailey's mother again. It appears the PD is trying to squeeze her in an attempt to get her to talk about her involvement in her own daughter's disappearance. So, they round her up for lying to authorities back in December when the disappearance was reported.
That correlates to two scenes in Tombstone which motivate me to action. After Wyatt's younger brother gets killed, Johnny Ringo invites Wyatt to a duel and tells him where to meet him. Wyatt, just before going to meet Ringo, visits with Doc Halliday about whether he can beat Ringo in the duel. Doc tells him he can't. In the next scene, Doc shows up in the shadows of the place Johnny Ringo is waiting to duel Wyatt. Doc approaches Ringo and opens with the line, "I'll be your huckleberry." At that point, the viewers are very much behind Doc because they know Doc will be Ringo's huckleberry and Ringo's demise is about 60 seconds away, as it should be since he is so evil.
Another scene is when Wyatt and company are confronting the Cowboy gang at a river. After killing many of the gang at the river, some in Wyatt's company are talking to Doc about Wyatt's boldness. They mention that revenge has made him so bold. Doc weighs in by saying, "Make no mistake about it gentlemen, this is not revenge. It's a reckoning."
I can't stand it anymore. The PD is making one move after another to deflect attention from themselves to a person who most of all would like to see her daughter again. Enough is enough! I'll be the huckleberry. Someone in the town knows what happened and is being allowed to remain undetected and taunt all who show up to search for Hailey week after week for 6 months. I say it's time for total exposure of the deflections that have occurred. It's time for their reckoning.
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