The Green Lantern is a movie mainly for kids. It has great symbolism that kids need to hear, namely that fear can be overcome by will power. One's will power can wane and a person has to work at perfecting the will, but eventually it will overcome fear even if no one else believes that he or she has enough will power. The movie is a great lesson in personification of abstract ideas.
During the course of the movie, the hero has to admit his human limitations and his failures in life especially in relationships. He also has to admit that he has let fear get the best of him in a number of situations. However, the one person he wants to have a relationship with, in a scene near the end of the movie, tells the hero she sees courage in him even if he doesn't, and she knows he can be the Green Lantern who will overcome the fear facing the people of Earth with will power. It is a touching scene, and it turns the tide in his thinking. From that point on, he fights the fear that has descended on the Earth and wins the ensuing battle. He had it in him all along, he just needed a catalyst to bring the best out in him.
All of us need catalysts from time to time. Those points keep us believing in ourselves and our abilities. In particular, it's nice when someone tells us that they, too, believe in our abilities. When that happens, it's a sacred moment. It makes us better than we normally are, better than we would otherwise be. In a world that sends so much negativity our way, I'm thankful for the sacred moment when that one special person voices belief in us... so very thankful... so very beautiful... so very, very sacred!
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