There is a certain energy and newness to watching a sunrise. This morning the clouds were over the horizon, so I had to wait 30 minutes for a peek at the sun.

But as the sun began to create its aura and brighten the water, anticipation heightened as to what was about to happen.

The sun reflected off the water, which made me, in turn, reflect on thoughts running through my mind. The scene added clarity and hope to my thoughts... hope that the deal in the works here in Georgia will actually materialize and clarity on the exact steps to closing the deal... and clarity that the warmth the sun represents is not a figment of the imagination.

Ahhhh... the brilliance finally appears! The day holds promise that what can be accomplished will be accomplished... And I immediately felt the warmth of the rays... both on my skin and in my heart!!!
Beautiful! In more ways than one!
Yes, so beautiful... in all the ways possible!
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