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Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Splendor of Heaven

The function of light is to disspell darkness.  It does so by piercing through it.  It displaces the darkness and takes over the space darkness once occupied.  As a result, darkness is denser along the edges of the light that has displaced it, making the contrast greater.  The Latin idea for this phenomenon was in the word "splendere" from which we derive splendor.

I find that principle to be true.  I have areas of darkness in my life that are dense along the edge where the light shines through it.  The thing about light is that it is celestial.  So are those special human beings that help us overcome our darknesses.  They are heavenly too.  We all have them and are grateful for them.  And, we all have one who shines more brilliantly than the others for us.  For me, that one is the Splendor of Heaven... and how totally beautiful, colorful that person's refracted light in my life is.

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