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Friday, December 02, 2011

Night rain image

Pitter-patter.  The rain came.  I looked out the window into the dimly lit courtyard.  The reflecting pool was dotted with the small splish-splashes of the raindrops.  The drops came constantly.  It was not one of those flash storms that is over in 10 minutes.  It was a steady rain.  It seemed like it could stay for hours.

The sounds of the rain pouncing off the leaves of trees and bushes was soft and relaxed my mind.  The hour of day wasn't important, but the darkness of the 2:00 AM hour amplified the rhythmic music played by the rain.  And the tune was so soothing!  My mind flashed an impression of an image of another soothing, rainy night at the same hour, a mid-autumn occasion a couple of rainy seasons ago.  The image grew stronger.  I reached out to touch it, but my hand came back wet from the pitter-patter, splish-splash of the current picture of bushes and trees glistening and concurrent rings rippling from the heavy splashes of drops in the reflecting pool.

 I uttered an expletive... I wanted the image to be real more than anything in the world!!!

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