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Saturday, March 09, 2013

No dinosaurs allowed

I drove up in the driveway to the house.  Immediately lights on the exterior of the garage and the porch light came on.  As I walked up the entry way to stand at the door, I could hear a voice inside announcing my presence by name.  I heard a click on the door and the voice from the speaker on the outside of the door softly spoke "Welcome."  The door was open, so I walked in.  The light in the entry way came on.  My phone vibrated as the projected 2- inch picture of my host appeared in 3-D, saying, "I'm almost through in the bathroom.  Be there in 5.  Have a seat and tell the TV what you want to watch."  I sat down and said, "Scandal."  The TV flashed on and asked, "Which episode?"

On the way out after supper, I noticed the pictures in the art niches in the wall.  In one niche, the artwork changed every 10 minutes.  They were beautiful pictures - paintings and photographs that had been digitized.  If I wanted one of the pictures to stay for more than 10 minutes, all I had to do was to say the name of the picture and give the amount of time I wanted it to stay present.  In a second niche, 3-D holographic images appeared every 10 minutes of famous sculptures and monuments like The Thinker and The Leaning Tower of Pisa.  The same voice command worked for them too.

There was more, of course.  I loved it.  Can't wait to see the 22nd century.   Ri-i-i-ght, I should live so long.


Magnetic Island Artist Edward Blum. said...

Your blog is amazing. Very interesting from its Blog name onwards. Thank you so much. Australia.

Dwordman said...

Thank you for stopping by to read and comment kindly about the contents. Magnetic Island looks like a magical place from the pictures posted on your blog. It would be well worth the trip, I'm sure.