It's strange to me that, in a world of no guarantees, people still want assurances about living. If you ask the people of Indonesia, they might surely side with those who say there are no guarantees. If you ask the ancient people of the town of Pompeii, they would side with those who say there are no guarantees. If you ask people who have lost their children for one reason or another, they would side with those who say there are no guarantees. People's position and status in society would seem to argue that there are no guarantees. Al Gore knows this. Mikhail Gorbachev knows this. The Taliban know this. "Here today, gone tomorrow" is an idea that shows up all over the ancient and modern worlds. So, when I read a book that claims a guarantee in life, I take notice. But, really the last book of the sacred writings is about a claim of assurance of life after this life. That's a little different, except that how this life is lived is affected—tremendously.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Wait staff
Restaurants are good images sometimes for teaching me about what work and expertise can produce. I sit down, am served by someone who serves for a living and knows how to take care of a customer. I receive food from someone who has cooked every item I have ordered 1000 times before. I leave saying, "That was the best meal," and I want to return in the near future.
I have a couple or 3 talents that I share with people from time to time. My aim is for them to feel like I do when I leave a restaurant. They benefit from what I have done and want to return to the source for more when they can. I take from more people than I give to so it's hard to see sometimes if what I do is really serving anyone at all. I recall an old image from an old letter 2 millenia ago telling a group of people that they needed to serve others like a waiter of tables (table waiters were slaves back then). That way, everyone in the group would be strengthened and decent living would occur. I do see much decency around me because there are so many people waiting tables around me.
I have a couple or 3 talents that I share with people from time to time. My aim is for them to feel like I do when I leave a restaurant. They benefit from what I have done and want to return to the source for more when they can. I take from more people than I give to so it's hard to see sometimes if what I do is really serving anyone at all. I recall an old image from an old letter 2 millenia ago telling a group of people that they needed to serve others like a waiter of tables (table waiters were slaves back then). That way, everyone in the group would be strengthened and decent living would occur. I do see much decency around me because there are so many people waiting tables around me.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Such occasions
I was in a group of young people and they were discussing events in their lives that had shaped their character and made them courageous. All kinds of stories surfaced. One person mentioned that the father of a girl he was dating had told him not to come again because of a racial difference between them. Another person spoke of having to stand up to a bully. Other storied ensued. Finally, one girl said that her defining moment came when her dad had walked out on the family and left them penniless and they had to go without food some days and skimp by on other days. Another person spoke after that telling how his father had committed suicide on New Year's Day this year. I see that every person is etched by life with at least one defining moment, which means that I see a lot of people of great character in the world at a young age. I don't worry so much about the future after such occasions as these.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
I am fairly sure that reconciliation is one of the most therapeutic events a person can have. I think the Creator has been in that business for a very long time. If it warms his heart as much as it does our human hearts, then the addendum to the prodigal son story is more literal than figurative. All I know is that I saw a glimpse of the first stages of reconciliation a couple of nights ago between two people that should have every reason to have affection for each other but didn't. My heart was warmed and I wasn't even one of the parties being reconciled. It was like taking a nice warm shower for a long period of time or like coming in from the warm sun and still feeling its warmth on the skin.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
My syncronization was off from the beginning of this day. I missed a scheduled meeting this morning. This evening I attended a meeting that had been canceled. The timing was off between these two events as well. Oh well, some days are like that. Out of sync is an idea that does come true from time to time. Is there any significance to it? Does it mark a transitional time between important events in life? Is it an indicator of change to come? Is it some event from another dimensional world that has bled through enough into my existence touching my routines in this dimension? I have no idea. I just take the whole day under advisement and try to have a better (more in sync) tomorrow. Now if syncronization is also off tomorrow... now I'm thinking bleed through from another dimension or possibly a message to me of something bigger than I am. 3 days in a row and I'm completely quiet and listening to another voice in the universe louder than mine who wants my undivided attention. Tomorrow (Thursday) is day 2. Friday I can let you know about the other voice in the universe.
Monday, January 24, 2005
"Choose" is a word that I don't particularly like. I have seen lousy choices in my lifetime. But it is a word that shows maturity. Small kids have choices made for them for the most part. But adults get to make their choices in their own worlds for the most part. Even poor choices allow life to mature us so that the next choice made won't be so lousy. Years lived should make one's decision-making process pretty natural after a while. If so, year 70 will be a piece of cake to live. Something tells me that that won't happen. A decision made last week tells me that I still have much work to do before I can be on automatic. But, maybe I can work this out by age 70.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
More bones
Some bones were found last week of a species of humans that do not seem to fit the bone patterns of the 3 known species of humans. These bones predated the known 3. I look forward to hearing more about these bones, but in the meantime, I think what that means is that a creator has been at work a very long time in this world whether we understand his workings or not. There's a comfort to that.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Words are mere words. There is no magic in them. This, at least is what the teacher in a classroom was saying. A young woman raised her hand in the class to comment that people can feel encouraged or inspired by mere words, so there might be some magical power in them. Touche. Teacher was wrong. And the maker of language knew this I am sure. In such a negative world where all kinds of words motivate us to act derogatorily toward others or to generate negative thoughts about almost everything, it is refreshing, rejuvenating to hear words that are lifting in nature. Even more rewarding is to generate positive thoughts by speaking in words that do lift others' thoughts and spirits. Liftwords. The maker of language made them to help people make it home to see Him. Liftwords have certainly helped me along my way. I certainly want to make it my business to lift others' spirits through language to make their ways smoother.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Noticing tempos
Days have tempos to them. Mondays are long. Wednesdays last forever, but hope of the week being shorter after Wednesday is over makes the day endurable. Fridays are jubilant. The weekend starts shortly after the day goes past noon. Seasons also have tempos to them. Decades and centuries have tempos to them. If I ever investigated my spiritual life, I would not be surprised to find that it also included various tempos. Maybe I'll take that endeavor up one of these days.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Illusionary flying
Sometimes, in moments suspended in time and disconnected from reality, I think of a more ideal world. I think during those moments that some activities or institutions really shouldn't exist. I think of the great wisdom words of the one who changed the world and superimpose them on the realities of the world in which I live. "Don't look here or over there for the Creator's presence," he said, "because His presence is inside you." So I question some of my activities and some of the institutions that exist and say, "Why?" I realize that perhaps I have been a lot like Dumbo the flying elephant who had to have a feather in his trunk before he thought he could fly. It wasn't true. The Creator's rejuvenating power is within, yet I seek it from outside—in activities and institutions. In those suspended moments disconnected from reality, I see myself throwing away the feather and flying without it just like Dumbo. But, I wake up everyday in a time frame very much connected to reality. Elephants don't fly at all in this world.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
The MTV effect
I don't know what days used to be like in ancient times. They had no CDs, no satellite radio, no cell phones, no electricity, no cars with navigational systems, no heating or air conditioning, no space stations, no digital pictures of Saturn's moon titan... ad infinitum. When nightfall arrived they stared at the stars, slept 9 hours and rose to put in an honest day's work in the field or in the woods hunting for food. If one can picture a modern video produced for MTV where scenes change about every 2 seconds during a 3 minute song, then I guess one has a snapshot of how our entire day would seem to an ancient person if he were to glimpse it. I'm not sure myself what to think of a day in the life of a modern person. It's convoluted at best and totally spiraled out of control at worst. Somehow our species survives and propogates still. To what end? I don't know, but there's a beauty in living the moment fully with the intent of filling it with decent living. Living the moment fully seems to block out the MTV effect, the convoluted life.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Sacred ground
I have noticed that the term sacred ground has been applied to more than the Native Americans' burial grounds. Everyone has a space mentally or physically that they don't want others intruding into. I certainly have this area. I walked into a room in my house yesterday and found that 3 teenagers were in this room. They weren't planning to mess up the room, but the room is special in my house. I can't even begin to explain how special this room is. But, so the girls could also appreciate the special nature of this room, I told them they were on sacred ground. They knew it was and respected the room's hallowed status. Spirituality, perhaps, occupies this same special status. What we value is what we would like others to treat as special. Our connections to the Creator should receive respect, certainly from us, but from others. And when that happens we feel that we have trod on sacred ground.
Monday, January 17, 2005
A metaphor for living
Bowing is something that people used to do. The ancients used to bow before authorities and deities. The custom is gone now, but the metaphor remains. I hear some say that the physical act is meaningful because the mind will follow. I don't know. I also hear that going underwater and holding your breath is something that allows a person's mind to suspend itself and rejuvenate one's thoughts. I've actually tried that. I didn't get that effect. Bowing might just yield the same result. Actually, I have tried bowing. Forms seem empty. But I will say this. When a life event of magnitude hits one, the person feels it with every fiber of physical pain and with every thought of mental anguish. The metaphor doesn't need to be followed or preceded by some physical act to get one in the mood or get one psychologically ready. The life event flattens one's reality, and when flattening has occurred, bowing has taken place.
I humbly BOW these days when death squares off in front of me.
I humbly BOW these days when death squares off in front of me.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
As I type this morning, the air temperature outside is 20 degrees. The inside temperature is 72 degrees. I am not bothered by the fact that outside the air is 52 degrees colder. In fact, I am pretty oblivious to this difference. I completely take it for granted that I am warm when I shouldn't be. Modern society has advanced so far that there's no telling how long the list would be if I were to enumerate all that I take for granted. However, I think this blindness is also used to cull out what has been done so that I will be able to see what is left to be done. Some people are good at looking back and reminding me how far society has come. Others are good at looking ahead and pointing to all that is left to be done. As in most areas of life, a balance is needed. I tend to look ahead instead of back, but I see the value in looking back. I think when differentials are great like the temperatures this morning, I am reminded to take stock of my tendencies and take a more balanced approach. It might make me more grateful, less driven, as well as more balanced.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Nuggets of hope
Once in a while events in life come together that are much like nuggets of gold in a mine. In the mine a person is filthy and sweaty. Work is hard and long. And sometimes one forgets what the mining is all about. That is, until one looks up at the end of such a long day and sees a faint hint of what the work was all about—gold nuggets. Then, he smiles, wipes his forehead with a very dirty paw of a hand and thinks, "That is so beautiful. It's the view of precious metal that makes this job worth it. I think I'll show up tomorrow and keep working to unveil more nuggets." Of course, that's the long version. Sometimes, it's just a shriek of sheer, excited happiness. Sometimes a word like "Eureka!" forms and rolls off the tongue. The Creator knows us intimately and gives a person going through the nitty gritty in life those views of nuggets that make him show up the next day to work with a tune in his heart, a bounce in his step. The Creator is really seen best creating hope in our worlds. It is what leads us home one step at a time.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Final preparation
Some nights are ominous. When you feel that something might, could, will possibly happen that requires all your mental energy. You know you have one shot at getting it right. I think you have to enter a certain throne room and be very, very still and quiet to see if any direction is being given in a language other than words. May it always be.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Thoroughness maps
Thoroughness is both a vice and a virtue. Every time I go to the fast food place I expect it and don't get it. When I go to the doctor, I expect it and receive it with the doctor I have now. It's not appreciated everywhere, however, and it's not required in some places I go. It's an idea that one has to consider in one's spiritual life, though. How thorough should one be in the discipline of the inner being? My guess is that it's a lot like life in general. In some areas it's crucial and in others it is not required. Now finding the map on which area needs which response is the catch. I know what areas I have worked on and which ones I have not. Everyone's map is a little different I've noticed. Fortunately, spirituality is a big enough category for the maps to be different. I come into contact with a lot of good people in the world whose thoroughness is evident. But, I appreciate their thorough areas because they are different from my thorough areas. How could life be better?
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Seattle lost to St. Louis today in the playoffs. I don't know that Seattle would have gone on to win if their last touchdown attempt had not gone awry, but they would have had a chance to go on to win in overtime. The loss doesn't bother me because I rooted for St. Louis. But, the wide receiver who dropped the ball does bother me. Millions of dollars go to him to practice everyday for just the moment he found himself in—for just such a moment. How many repetitions had he gone through where he made the catch? Millions of dollars for those repetitions. Still he dropped the ball. I think of the story of Esther—a story all about positioning. I can't even imagine Esther saying that she knew the Maker of all had positioned her for just such a moment, but she was too frightened. She might lose her life after all. No, the story has a very different ending. A woman whom the Maker had taken the time to position for just the right time did not fail him. I don't know if I have ever been positioned and failed or not. If not, I think my faith is finally strong enough now for the Maker to have me in place for something or someone. If it was before now, I don't know if I dropped the pass or not. If it is now, throw me the ball, I'll catch it.
Today I heard someone say something I didn't expect from that person. Not profanity, just an idea that is so opposite from what this person practices and espouses. It seemed that she wanted to be more acceptable with those around her for the moment. We all play double-speak to one degree or another. My what the human condition brings upon us.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Just a mess
I asked a girl today how her world was rocking. She answered that her world was messy.
A colleague of mine had a spell of some kind today. She became disoriented for a while and was totally confused for about an hour. Living with attacks like that would make anyone's life a little messy.
A neighbor came from across the street today and apologized for not collecting mail while we had been gone over the Xmas holidays. Her life got busy and she forgot. What a mess.
I found out today a young man that I know no longer has a father. He committed suicide last Sunday. I don't know what mess he thought he was in, but for sure his son's life will be a mess for some time to come.
The ultimate mess is in Southeast Asia right now. A tsunami blasted them.
This is just one day's news. But it's the human condition. There is no way I can be judgmental about people's or my own messy circumstances. I am just amazed that a creator can find any pleasure in anyone's messes enough to want to take them home. But he does. It's just amazing.
A colleague of mine had a spell of some kind today. She became disoriented for a while and was totally confused for about an hour. Living with attacks like that would make anyone's life a little messy.
A neighbor came from across the street today and apologized for not collecting mail while we had been gone over the Xmas holidays. Her life got busy and she forgot. What a mess.
I found out today a young man that I know no longer has a father. He committed suicide last Sunday. I don't know what mess he thought he was in, but for sure his son's life will be a mess for some time to come.
The ultimate mess is in Southeast Asia right now. A tsunami blasted them.
This is just one day's news. But it's the human condition. There is no way I can be judgmental about people's or my own messy circumstances. I am just amazed that a creator can find any pleasure in anyone's messes enough to want to take them home. But he does. It's just amazing.
Monday, January 03, 2005
Above my computer desk hangs a picture of a wood frame, part log cabin of about 3 rooms with a well behind it. It looks abandoned. Brush is all around the house. A grown-over path leads to the side of the house. The picture can be interpreted in a number of ways. Tonight I need respite, peace. My world is not hectic, but somehow it is incomplete, out of kelter, aching. So tonight I look at the picture and see how the house still serves as a shelter from the cold and heat. It represents that a family once lived there and provided a place for smiles and play. It strikes a vibrant tone within me so that I can return tomorrow to work with a picture of respite and peace.
Words are not magic. They are simply a means to an end. They communicate ideas. What about words, then compel people to action both positively and negatively? A couple of days ago, I experienced a drive-by yelling match. A truck drove by a parking lot in which I was standing. I heard two very loud FUs coming from a truck that was driving by. The truck stopped in a nearby parking lot and the really loud yelling continued. Mostly the yelling was FUs exchanged between 2 menat the top of their lungs. One man got out of the car, checked a locked door to a store front, then got back in continuing his lambasting of the other in expletives. I reassessed my thinking that words were not magic. Words seemed to negatively motivate these two men against each other. On further reflection, though, revealed that it was the pitch of the words that were the motivation. They could be yelling "banana" at each other. The loud tones made for the injured feelings. Soft tones have the opposite effect. They show care and concern. No tones don't show anything. If I receive a card from someone, I then know that someone took the time to send it caringly no matter what the words say. So, I stick with the premise—words are not magic. Loud tones, soft tones, actions are magic. In a proverb of English, they are worth 1000 words. This new year, I will concentrate on tone quality and actions first, good word choices second.
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