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Saturday, January 29, 2005

Wait staff

Restaurants are good images sometimes for teaching me about what work and expertise can produce. I sit down, am served by someone who serves for a living and knows how to take care of a customer. I receive food from someone who has cooked every item I have ordered 1000 times before. I leave saying, "That was the best meal," and I want to return in the near future.

I have a couple or 3 talents that I share with people from time to time. My aim is for them to feel like I do when I leave a restaurant. They benefit from what I have done and want to return to the source for more when they can. I take from more people than I give to so it's hard to see sometimes if what I do is really serving anyone at all. I recall an old image from an old letter 2 millenia ago telling a group of people that they needed to serve others like a waiter of tables (table waiters were slaves back then). That way, everyone in the group would be strengthened and decent living would occur. I do see much decency around me because there are so many people waiting tables around me.

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