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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Aura of Alexander

The Discovery channel shows great reinactments of great battles. I watch them just so that I can apply their symbolic strategy to some of my work situations from time to time. Recently, the channel showed several reinactments of Alexander the Great's battles. Interesting that he thought that he was the son of Zeus. The program said he went to a temple and found out he was "the son of God."

I wonder if he would have fought as fearlessly if he had thought he was only human. Without question he was a great military strategist. He thought it was because he was Zeus' son that he was so successful. As it turned out, he was merely a mortal after being wounded in battle and later dying partly as a result of a wound. Of course, the same could be said about Jesus - that he was merely mortal and ended up dying from crucifixion. Well, there is not a resurrection story about Alexander.

How do I fight life's battles? Fearlessly? What if I thought I was the son of God? Would I lead the charge that much more often and with a reckless abandon? Would I plan ahead strategically because I would be so sure of a win, being immortal? Would people around me marvel at my success? Would I be assertive with others? Of course, I have a number of years' track record in fighting life's battles. I know how all these questions are answered. The sad part is that I have been a son of God for much longer than was Alexander a son of Zeus.

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