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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Touched... profoundly

One of the best movies I have watched in recent times is the movie The Blind Side starring Sandra Bullock. Bullock's character was strong, compassionate, vivacious, loyal, independent, and determined. Her character was such a good mix and portrayed so well in a number of different circumstatnces that it was emotionally touching. I was moved by watching this movie more than by any other movie in recent times.

During a lifetime we all experience dozens of moving events. But, there are a few events that stand above others, like The Blind Side when compared to other movies. We cull them for our minds to further review and reflect on. Reflecting on these event makes them better because they have been allowed to enter the sacred psyche where we mull events and people, interpret them, and allow them to become a part of who we are. Those kinds of events and the people in them touch us, then become us.

But even among those elevated touching experiences, there come those once-in-a-lifetime periods that profoundly affect our behavior. We internalize them. They stay with us. They define who we are. And these times involve special people, who cause the event to have lasting significance, because events don't happen outside of those who cause them.

I have been through dozens of memorable, moving events. I have even experienced a few elevated, touching events - the kind that stand out. And I can also say that I have seen that pinnacle, once-in-a-lifetime period. I have been profoundly touched... in fabric and psyche... and I am forever grateful.

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