A lot of life happens according to your view of it. My father was one who knew the power of positive thinking and used to tell the story of a man who traveled to a town in search of somewhere to settle. He was met at the gates of the city by a wise man who lived there. The traveler told the wise man that he was looking to settle and wanted to know if this was a good town. The wise man asked the traveler what his experience had been in the last town he lived. The man replied that it was a town of many disgruntled people and that nothing went right there. The wise man advised the man that he would find the same in his town, so he might want to look elsewhere. A second traveler arrived the next day and asked the wise man if this was a good town. The wise man asked the second traveler what his experience had been in the last town he lived. The traveler answered that he found the town to be friendly and active, and that he hated to leave it. The wise man welcomed the traveler and told him that he would find the same kind of people and activities in this town.
Yes, the positive view makes for a higher quality of life. And I know someone who lives that way every day. I am inspired by such a life, and my own view is better, clearer, more productive, and efficient as a result. In this season of thanks... thank you for such inspiration. You have the world at your beck and call every day you wake up.
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