Some things in life a person never loses hope for or sight of. I was always told growing up that if you want something badly enough, you just go get it. Life has a way of making that adage too simplistic. Oh, there is some truth there all right. Nobody gets anything if he or she doesn't pursue it. On the other hand, just because a person pursues something doesn't mean he or she will end up with it. That's where hope comes in.
Life is very good at throwing twists and turns that are unexpected. It convolutes or diminshes or seemingly makes the thing you hope for the most appear so distant. I don't really understand how life can so consistently thwart the desires of the heart, but it so consistently does that I respect its power to do it. But, one thing is more certain than life and its power to convolute, and that is the hope I have for the thing I want most in life. Hope does not diminish, get convoluted, or become distant. I can always see my greatest hope very clearly! And, like the phenomenon of the Northern Lights, it is so beautiful...
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